Friday, December 13, 2019

Blog Stage 8: Comment on a colleague's work #2

Commentary to Alejandra Marquez blog post.

I agree that DACA should remain available because it gives many children so many opportunities that without it they won’t normally have if they are not U.S. Citizens. They have to meet certain requirements in order to be granted the benefits of being a part of DACA. The requirements they have to meet reinsures that they behave as good citizens for the country. They get a permit to be able to work and don’t have to worry about being deported.
     According to the Center for American Progress, DACA recipients help better the U.S. economy and furthermore we all benefit from it. “Previous research has shown that DACA beneficiaries will contribute $460.3 billion to the U.S. gross domestic product over the next decade—economic growth that would be lost were DACA to be eliminated.”

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Edit: Blog Post #7

Why are elections held on a Tuesday?

A law was established in 1845 which was designed primarily for farmers in that Tuesday was more convenient for them because they had to travel to vote and be able to make it back home on time so that it wouldn’t affect their “market day.” Since most people worked as farmers during that time Tuesday was chosen to be the day that was more convenient for everyone. As of now, that is not a problem anymore and so I think that Election Day should be changed to the weekend. If they made a law that would accommodate them, Shouldn’t we be allowed to do the same? Now, Tuesday doesn’t seem to be suitable for the majority of the population. Most people work during the weekdays, students have work and they have to go to school (college or universities).
   Changing it to the weekend can result in greater voter participation (citizens who don’t normally have a chance to vote and/or even teenagers/young adults) since fewer citizens work on the weekends. Young adults might go to college and have a part-time job so they don’t have the time necessary if they were to make time another problem they encounter is that they need to wait in long lines and end up waiting for several hours to be able to cast their ballot. On the contrary, if it were to change to the weekend they would either have Saturday or Sunday throughout the whole two days, citizens would choose to go at different times and so it would decrease the amount of time someone has to wait in line for.
   In an article I read other countries like France have changed their Election Day to Sunday and studies have shown that it has increased voter turnout. For example in 2012 U.S. voter turnout was less than 54% while in France the voter turnout was 80%.


Friday, November 15, 2019

Blog Stage Six: Comment on a colleague's work

Commentary to Daniela garcia's blog post.
       I completely agree with her on how they should mainly deport those who have committed a serious crime and not just because they decided to come to the U.S. to have a chance to better their lives. Immigrants have this idea that the once in the U.S. as she states, would live the “American Dream” but in reality, they don’t have many job opportunities. For example, in Austin it is getting more expensive to live in and usually the amount they make working barely covers their expenses, resulting in them having to work in 2 jobs while also attending their family's needs.
They indeed come to escape from their country’s violence and although they try to come the right way there is so much at risk that they have no other choice not to. Once in the U.S., they have much more freedom and it doesn’t matter where you come from you automatically have rights, unlike back home.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Blog Post #5

A law was established in 1845 which was designed primarily for farmers in that Tuesday was more convenient for them because they had to travel and be able to make it back on time so that it wouldn’t affect their “market day.” As of now, that is not a problem anymore and so I think that Election Day should be changed to the weekend. If they made a law that would accommodate them, Shouldn’t we be allowed to do the same?
Changing it to the weekend can result in greater voter participation (citizens who don’t normally have a chance to vote and/or even teenagers/young adults) since fewer citizens work on the weekends. Young adults might go to college and have a part-time job so they don’t have the time necessary if they were to make time another problem they encounter is that they need to wait in long lines and end up waiting for several hours to be able to cast their ballot. On the contrary, if it were to change to the weekend they would either have Saturday or Sunday throughout the whole two days, citizens would choose to go at different times and so it would decrease the amount of time someone has to wait in line for.
 In an article I read other countries like France have changed their Election Day to Sunday and studies have shown that it has increased voter turnout. For example in 2012 U.S. voter turnout was less than 54% while in France the voter turnout was 80%.

Work Cited
Slaughter, Louise. “Turn Election Day into Election Weekend. We need more voter turnout, not less.” USA Today, contribution by Norman Ornstein, Aug 5, 2017,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President

I have read an article on the Statesman that William H. McRaven wrote for the New York Times published on October 17, 2019. The author started stating how he attended memorable events that make his claim on why we should care for the future and the effects that happen right now can have a huge impact later on.
McRaven recalled a few significant events of how this nation became to be and he included examples of officers and soldiers that were in the American military, who risked everything for the well-being of the nation.
McRaven stated, “We are not the most powerful nation in the world because our aircraft carriers, our economy, or our seat at the United Nations Security Council. We are the most powerful nation in the world because we try to be the good guys.” He did very well on putting facts and mainly historical events for the reader to recall those incidents and be able to understand his viewpoint. This really stood out to me because I most definitely agree with his viewpoint, although we do have better economy and military than other countries, but what has been declaring us a better nation is that throughout time and time again we had rendered our help to those who most needed it and free them like the freedom we’ve had.
All of this contributes to his claim that if we abandoned our allies the rest of them won’t trust us and we failed to the promises that we once made towards, as the current president had done.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Blow: Impeach the malignant fraudster

I read a commentary/opinion by Charles M. Blow who wrote it for The New York Times but appears in the Austin American Statesman. The author’s intended audience is for people who have the same thought and want the same thing as what he is arguing about. The author is arguing that the president went against the Constitution and that is something that can’t be put off easily. Since the president went against the Constitution for personal interest the author wants justice and says that the president should be impeached. He backs this up by putting facts of the president's history explaining the things he has done and how he has come out untouchable. I agree with this point of view because as long as no one does anything to put a stop to the president's actions he will continue to do what he wants and continue thinking that no one will ever do anything to stop him. Another technique that the author used was to question the Republicans' thoughts to see if they can change their opinion about the whole topic and get them to do something about it. He questioned the Republicans of ignoring what was happening and not wanting to see the reality of the presidents' actions. They want to leave it up to the polls for a solution just because they want to keep their power and position. The author did well on organizing his thoughts and putting events that has happen for the reader to connect them with the present situation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Making Companies Act When Government Won't

I came across this editorial that got my attention by the title "Making Companies Act When Government Won't" published on September 16, 2019. 
The editorial talks about Doug McMillon deciding that he would remove handguns from his stores due to the mass shootings that have been happening recently. After this more and more big American companies have been wanting immediate attention in this matter and ask for new gun laws to reinforce that guns need to stay out of hands from dangerous people.
It also talks about how corporations aren't just interested in making money but also in helping the public and the community. Other than wanting better gun safety they are contributing to other issues like environmental sustainability and the treatment of workers.
This editorial is worth reading because it lets you know that big companies don't just care about themselves but rather wanting to help better the community and the people within it. They are doing a better job at helping than the actual government!