Friday, October 4, 2019

Blow: Impeach the malignant fraudster

I read a commentary/opinion by Charles M. Blow who wrote it for The New York Times but appears in the Austin American Statesman. The author’s intended audience is for people who have the same thought and want the same thing as what he is arguing about. The author is arguing that the president went against the Constitution and that is something that can’t be put off easily. Since the president went against the Constitution for personal interest the author wants justice and says that the president should be impeached. He backs this up by putting facts of the president's history explaining the things he has done and how he has come out untouchable. I agree with this point of view because as long as no one does anything to put a stop to the president's actions he will continue to do what he wants and continue thinking that no one will ever do anything to stop him. Another technique that the author used was to question the Republicans' thoughts to see if they can change their opinion about the whole topic and get them to do something about it. He questioned the Republicans of ignoring what was happening and not wanting to see the reality of the presidents' actions. They want to leave it up to the polls for a solution just because they want to keep their power and position. The author did well on organizing his thoughts and putting events that has happen for the reader to connect them with the present situation.

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