Friday, November 15, 2019

Blog Stage Six: Comment on a colleague's work

Commentary to Daniela garcia's blog post.
       I completely agree with her on how they should mainly deport those who have committed a serious crime and not just because they decided to come to the U.S. to have a chance to better their lives. Immigrants have this idea that the once in the U.S. as she states, would live the “American Dream” but in reality, they don’t have many job opportunities. For example, in Austin it is getting more expensive to live in and usually the amount they make working barely covers their expenses, resulting in them having to work in 2 jobs while also attending their family's needs.
They indeed come to escape from their country’s violence and although they try to come the right way there is so much at risk that they have no other choice not to. Once in the U.S., they have much more freedom and it doesn’t matter where you come from you automatically have rights, unlike back home.

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