Friday, September 20, 2019

Making Companies Act When Government Won't

I came across this editorial that got my attention by the title "Making Companies Act When Government Won't" published on September 16, 2019. 
The editorial talks about Doug McMillon deciding that he would remove handguns from his stores due to the mass shootings that have been happening recently. After this more and more big American companies have been wanting immediate attention in this matter and ask for new gun laws to reinforce that guns need to stay out of hands from dangerous people.
It also talks about how corporations aren't just interested in making money but also in helping the public and the community. Other than wanting better gun safety they are contributing to other issues like environmental sustainability and the treatment of workers.
This editorial is worth reading because it lets you know that big companies don't just care about themselves but rather wanting to help better the community and the people within it. They are doing a better job at helping than the actual government!

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